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Q & I Examined in Prestigious Journal

March 01, 2019 - 1 minute read

Professor helping two female students with an assignment in class

Reforming General Education Book Cover

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently highlighted CUI’s Q&I curriculum in a special 2018 publication titled Reforming Gen Ed: Strategies for success on your campus. The two-page institutional profile of Concordia was headlined, “A liberal-arts college sees student engagement increase with the creation of common-core courses.”

“This is a first for us,” says Scott Ashmon. “When we got the Core going, I had hoped we would get notice from the Chronicle, and we reached out a few times but nothing came of it. So we let it go for a long time.”

With the Q&I revamp, the publication decided to make CUI one of three institutional profiles in the special November publication. The Chronicle noted that “refreshing general-education courses required all faculty members to rethink what they were teaching. What big questions are you going to address? What great works are you going to use? What high-impact practices are you going to incorporate? And how does it all hold together?”

“I certainly view it as affirmation,” Ashmon says of the piece. “It puts us in the mix of thought leaders that other institutions should look at as at least food for thought, if not a model for general education. It puts us in the conversation of doing innovative work.”

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Gen Ed Questions

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